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"Get clear on who you want to be and show up as her every day."

Danni Smith
Founder, InSagesse Wellness

Book A Free Call With Danni

 "True health comes from making peace with food, fitness, and your figure."

Hi, I’m Danni, and I’m here to help you heal your relationship with food, exercise, and your body.



For years, I identified as a “healthy person.” That meant eating “clean” foods, sticking to a strict diet, and following intense workout routines. While I appeared to have it all together, my self-worth was deeply tied to looking a certain way, and the constant effort felt like an exhausting grind.

When I enrolled in an Integrative Nutrition course, it was meant to be a step toward “mastering” nutrition and teaching others how to eat healthily. In my opinion at that time, "healthy eating" meant eating in a very regimented and restrictive way. Instead, however, the program launched me into a transformative journey of self-healing. I realized that "healthy eating” was NOT synonymous with having a healthy relationship with food or one's body. It did NOT automatically equate to enjoying holistic health.



Many women are conditioned to believe that being healthy requires strict dieting and relentless workouts in order to fit into a specific mold. What I’ve learned, however, is that true health comes from making peace with food, fitness, and your figure. After all, what's the point in striving to eat perfectly and achieve the ideal body if you are completely miserable along the way? Isn’t the true goal to create a life that brings you genuine happiness and fulfillment?

So, instead of mastering nutrition calculations, I broke free from it! I was liberated from the endless cycle of calorie counting, food rules, and self-judgment. What a gift!

Instead of constant tracking, I started asking myself questions like:

  • “Am I physically or emotionally hungry?”
  • “What type of nourishment do I need right now?”

I reflected on my emotional connections to food, the cultural narratives I’d internalized, and my suppressed need for rest. By listening to my body, I discovered an inner peace I never thought possible. I stopped obsessing over numbers, ditched the scale, and embraced a lifestyle rooted in how I want to feel and who I want to be.


"When you shift your focus away from the scale and towards nourishing foods and practices—true health will naturally follow."

Book A Free Call To Start Making Peace With Food, Fitness & Your Figure


Today, I help women just like you reconnect with their bodies, heal their relationship with food, and create intentional, sustainable healthy habits.

My mission is to empower women to:

  • Ditch diets and restrictive eating patterns.
  • Discover food freedom and body confidence.
  • Align their health routines with their life goals.
  • Take achievable and sustainable steps towards bettering their health.

Once you achieve these things, you become free to chase after those audacious goals you've been dreaming about with nothing to weigh you down.


What if I told you total transformation was a lot closer than you think? It's really just a perspective shift away. Up until this point, you've been focused on what NOT to do avoid in order to achieve your goal BUT this is actually having the reverse effect. 

With my approach, you will learn how to:

  • Shift your focus away from what you don't want and towards what you do want.
  • Love your body as it is today, even as you work towards change
  • Stop blaming yourself for lacking willpower
  • Deeply nourish yourself both ON and OFF the plate
  • Aim for progress instead of perfection

It's time to shatter the chains of oppressive diet culture. Break free and rise my friend! The woman you were always meant to be is waiting on the other side!


If you’ve ever thought:

  • “I’ve tried so many diets, but nothing sticks.”
  • “I’m tired of feeling guilty every time I eat.”
  • “I wish I understood what my body really needs.”
  • “I want to feel good in my body without obsessing over the scale.”
  • “I need health strategies that work with my busy life.”

...then you’re in the right place. It’s time to step off the hamster wheel of frustration and step into a life where health feels intuitive, aligned, and joyful.


Whether you’re looking to:

  • Achieve food freedom through intuitive eating.
  • Reconnect with your body and balance your hormones.
  • Build nourishing habits that fit your lifestyle.
  • Reduce stress and gain energy to thrive.

I’m here to guide you with compassion, knowledge, loving accountability, and customized strategies tailored to your unique journey.

Let's Connect


Are you ready to find freedom and confidence in your health? Let’s create the life you deserve—one that’s free of guilt, full of peace, and aligned with your values. Together, we’ll make your health journey one that uplifts and inspires you every single day so that you can become the woman you were always meant to be.

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